Standard rules for the contest The Contest is governed by the terms and conditions and…
The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that June school holidays will be brought forward…
We are into the critical period of our fight against Covid-19 in Singapore. Last week,…
In view of the Covid-19 mitigation measures announced by the Singapore Government, we wish to…
Updates to Suspension of Classes at Kumon Learning Centres

We are into the critical period of our fight against Covid-19 in Singapore. Last week, we saw a spike in cases of infection mainly in the dormitories housing foreign workers. The average number of new cases of infection in the local community has also reduced slightly.
The Government has announced that the ‘Circuit Breaker Measures’ will be extended to 1st June. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that some form of normalcy in our daily lives will return in time to come. Until then, we will continue to adhere to the mitigating measures introduced.
The Kumon Method was conceived more than 60 years ago from the perspective of educating children at home in the best manner. With time and patience, Kumon students become accustomed to a home learning routine that is second nature to them.
Learning for Kumon students has always focused on building a self-learning ability through our carefully structured worksheets. The unprecedented situation presented by the virus outbreak has brought about not only challenges, but also many positive effects we see in Kumon Instructors, students and parents.
Many parents shared that they are able to better support their children and give more specific feedback to the Kumon Instructors. With more time at home, students are also able to complete more worksheets. Kumon Instructors have stepped up their communication with parents and students to a higher level. Instruction of students is enabled through usage of technology. This way of blended learning has resulted in students achieving faster progress towards their study goals. It is a good example of a crisis turned into opportunity.
Amidst the uncertainties, it is our responsibility to keep you updated on our plans moving forward.
Clarification on 4 additional classes
We have announced previously that students who are enrolled in April will be entitled to 4 additional classes in May and/or June. We wish to clarify that these classes are not replacement for the physical classes. They are goodwill classes extended to students. Parents can arrange for the additional classes to be held within 2 months of lifting of suspension of classes at centres.
Classes in May
The possibility of extension of class suspension in May had been considered. We are encouraged by the positive learning effects observed in our students with the blended approach towards learning throughout this period. Parents and Kumon students are seeing the benefits of it.
However, we are also aware that there are parents who are facing challenges in managing schools’ home-based learning for their children, the necessity to work from home, as well as Kumon. We seek the understanding of affected parents to contact your child’s Kumon Instructor and work out the necessary arrangements, including the possibility of suspending classes for your child in May. We will waive the need to give a one-month notice if necessary. For minimal disruption to their Kumon study, affected students should work closely with their Kumon instructors to resume learning with Kumon in June. Fees for worksheets given to affected students until 4th May will be waived as a form of goodwill.
For the majority of parents who are seeing the benefits of home learning with Kumon, we appreciate your kind support and patience in keeping our Kumon Centres running. We will continue to improve the delivery of our service and support your child’s learning with us.
Should suspension of classes be lifted in June, classes for your child will be held as per scheduled prior to suspension.
Meanwhile, we encourage parents to visit and follow our official Facebook page at In it, you will find useful information and updates from Kumon. As the world’s largest supplemental education to support home learning, we are confident that our proven learning methodology and carefully structured worksheets will provide the best possible learning effects in your child beyond the boundaries of the classroom.
Thank you for your trust in Kumon. Together, we can overcome this challenge. Stay safe.
新加坡正处于与新冠状病毒作战的关键时期。上周,客工宿舍的感染病例激增,社区感染的病例则略有下降。政府已宣布延长阻断措施(Circuit Breaker Measures)至6月1号。我们期盼能尽早回复到熟悉的生活的同时,也坚定地遵循当局的停课命令与阻断措施。在这期间,我们的公文导师将继续给予远程指导,协助您的孩子在家中有效学习。
具有逾60年历史的公文式学习法 (The Kumon Method),便是秉着为孩子提供有效的家庭学习而创立的。我们相信,只要成人能给予孩子足够的耐心和时间,任何孩子都能自然而然地投入于家中学习的。一直以来,我们着重于让孩子通过精心设计的教材自我发掘学习的窍门,提升自学能力。这次的疫情所造成了前所未见的艰巨挑战,却也在导师、学生及家长身上看到了许多积极的努力。
在这期间,我们鼓励家长关注我们的官方脸书 (Facebook) 网页。在这里头,我们提供了各种有用的资料和最新的资讯。公文作为全球最大的学习能力开发机构和家庭学习的先驱,我们相信能为您的孩子提供最佳的家庭学习效果。
Standard rules for the contest The Contest is governed by the terms and conditions and…
The Ministry of Education (MOE) has announced that June school holidays will be brought forward…