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Good Study habits

Here are some tips for your children to develop good study habits to make studying more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.

  1. Plan a daily study time
    Successful students schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going to study, and then they stick with their schedule. Students who study sporadically and whimsically typically do not perform as well as students who have a set study schedule. By discussing and creating a weekly allocated study routine with your children, you can help them develop habits that will enable them to succeed in their learning for a longer term.
  2. Set a specific goal for each study time
    Simply studying without direction is not effective. Children need to know what they exactly need to accomplish during each study session. Before your children begin learning, get them to set a goal for that session by asking what they want to achieve? Take, for example, "I want to complete my Kumon Maths worksheets with lesser corrections and better timing than yesterday," or "I want to focus on writing neater than the day before."
  3. Start with their preferred subject first
    Keep the positivity going for each study session by getting them to start with their favourite subject first. Your children may prefer to deal with the challenging subjects first on some days, but on other days, they choose to start with the easy ones. The key is to let them begin with their preferred subject, which will help them stay interested and boost their confidence. When they feel accomplished and motivated, they will eventually complete the rest of their work easier.
  4. Always review their previous learning
    Before your children start each study session, get them to review their previous learning thoroughly to ensure they are well prepared to continue learning new concepts. For example, reviewing the correction they made in their Kumon worksheets from yesterday before attempting the new ones will help them remember important learning points and ensure their learning is targeted and effective.
  5. Minimise distractions
    Creating a dedicated spot for your children to study can be the first step in keeping them focused on their learning. Get everything they need close at hand for the studying session, such as pencil sharpened, eraser and worksheets. Turn off the TV and keep other distractions at bay as much as possible.


For greater odds of success, work on forming one or two of these habits at a time. When they've become part of your children's routine, you can introduce the new ones.
