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Learning how to frame goals as SMART goals can help your children get off to a better start and set them for true success in the near future.

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. The aim of SMART goals is to provide your children with a concrete road map of where they want to go, with ways to mark their progress and keep them in check.

Here is a checklist for their goals.

SpecificClarify with your children the who, what, when, and where of their goals. Discuss using specific words vs those that are ambiguous. There is a big difference between setting a goal to improve Maths skills and setting a goal to learn a particular Maths skill. A detailed and concrete goal will be, "I want to learn Multiplication in Level C, Kumon Maths."
MeasurableChildren need to know when they have reached their goal or are making progress toward it. Instead of saying, "I want to have more discipline in learning." Getting them to set aside a certain amount of time each week for studying is measurable and solid.
AchievableBe realistic about what your children can achieve with the available time and resources. While sitting for the O Level examination this year and "trying to complete the Kumon English Programme" is a worthy goal, it is far likely not feasible.
RelevantChildren should be able to differentiate personal and academic benefits. Talk with them about setting priorities. For instance, trying to train for a triathlon while starring in the school play will require overwhelming energy and time to excel at both.
TimelyA SMART goal should be time-bound. In addition, deadlines and time frames can be great motivators. Saying I want to commit to 30 minutes of studying time each day is more meaningful than just saying that I want to study regularly.

Setting SMART goals can help your children develop independence and self-motivation skills, allowing them to stand on their own and flourish in their own life. Start working with your children to write a SMART goal for something they would like to accomplish.
