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Articles & Resources for Parents

Chinese Enrichment Classes for Preschool, Primary and Secondary School

September 1, 2022

Looking for the best Chinese enrichment classes for your child? It is important to build a strong foundation and supplement your child’s learning with enrichment and tuition classes to meet the demands of the competitive and bilingual school environment in Singapore.

How to infuse the joy of learning?

August 5, 2022

Infusing joy with learning will intrinsically make children eager and motivated to learn new things simply because they love what they are learning and find learning enjoyable. Here are some ways to enhance your children’s desire to learn. 1. Develop an atmosphere of reading Children who develop a love of reading, develop a love for…

Tips for Keeping Cool

July 7, 2022

How to be patient when guiding your young children with homework? Children have much shorter attention spans than adults do. A child’s maximum attention span is about two to three times his/her age. Therefore, a five-year-old child would have an attention span of, at best, fifteen minutes. While guiding young children, many parents’ patience is…

English Enrichment Classes & Tuition for Preschool, Primary and Secondary School

May 27, 2022

Looking for the best English tuition and enrichment classes for your child? It is important to build a strong foundation and supplement your child’s learning with enrichment and tuition classes to meet the demands of the competitive school environment in Singapore.

Achieve your learning goals with continuous Kumon study

May 5, 2022

“Small, incremental goals help build continuous momentum towards achieving a bigger goal.” You may have read it on a blog or seen it on a motivational poster, and there is much truth behind it. It is easy to set a big goal from the get-go, but to stick with it until the end? More often…